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MBPL Services


Terms of Service

By purchasing from our site you hereby agree to our TOS which includes but is not limited to:

1. Once payment is sent, a refund will not be given (No Refunds). A replacement will not be given unless the problem is on my side, If I am not able to resolve it or I said that I will in the warranty.

After the warranty period expires that would mean no replacement will be given, we will NOT cover anything, we will NOT refund anything, we will NOT replace anything and we will NOT be responsible for anything. If it depends on my supplier and they can't or won't replace whatsoever it is then there's nothing we'd be able to do. Attempting to request a refund/charging back after payment is sent and product is received, changing your mind after payment is sent and I've spent money on my end to deliver a service or product will result in consequences.

Please read this 2x or maybe even 3x to fully understand this and to avoid any problems in the future because if you come to us trying to request a refund or charging back/disputing after claiming it was unauthorized when it clearly isn't or trying to say that you didn't get what you ordered when you it's exactly what you read or it's applied/common knowledge, it will be a false chargeback claim/abusing the disputing/chargeback system & you may get banned on the spot or face other consequences.

2. We're not** liable** for the inappropriate use of our products or services by others.

3. You must read the product description & acknowledge that you must cover the gas/transaction fees when paying so the payment is recognized by the automated system.

4. You agree that you've read the instructions that come with our products or services (If any is included) before reaching out.

5. You agree that our TOS can change at anytime without a moments notice & by buying you've agreed to said terms.

6. You agree that you've acknowledged that we're not responsible for any bans or suspensions if they do occur despite being extremely rare.

7, You agree that you've acknowledged that you will be blacklisted/banned from our Digital Stores & Shop if you leave a negative review when you've received what you paid for &/or you get something of equal value in the case where we're not able to provide what you ordered.


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